目的:本研究旨在研究放化疗联合手术治疗原发性胸腺淋巴瘤的临床效果。方法:选取1994年6月至2008年5月我院收治的原发性胸腺大B细胞淋巴瘤62例,将采用放射及药物治疗的26例患者作为A组,将采用放化疗联合手术治疗的36例患者作为B组,比较两组疗效。结果:A组CR 5例,PR 5例,总有效率27.8%;B组CR 13例,PR 10例,总有效率63.9%;B组总有效率显著性高于A组(P<0.05)。B组较A组生存曲线有明显上升,而且B组平均生存期57.244个月,高于A组的55.541个月(P<0.05)。B组5年生存率为80.6%,显著性高于A组的57.7%。结论:放化疗联合手术治疗原发性胸腺淋巴瘤临床效果满意,建议在临床治疗中推广应用。
Objective: This study was to investigate the clinical efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy combined with surgical treatment for treatment of patients with primay mediastinal B-cell lymphoma. Methods: A total of 62 patients with primay mediastinal B-cell lymphoma was selected, out of them 26 patients received radiotherapy and chemotherapy were selected as A group, other 36 patients received radiotherapy and chemotherapy combined with surgical treatment and were selected as B group. Clinical efficacy were observed and compared after treatment. Results: In A group 5 patients achieved complete remission( CR), 5 patients achieved partial remission( PR), the total remission rate of A group was 27.8% ; in B grouop, 13 patients achieved complete remission( CR), 10 patients achieved PR, the total remission rate of B group was 63.9%. The average survival time of patients in B group was 57. 244 months, and the average survival time of patients in A group was 55. 541 months, the former was higher than latter. The 5 years survical rate of patients in A group was 57.7%, and the 5 years survival rate of patients in B group was 80.6%, the latter was significantly higher than former. Conclusions: Radiotherapy and chemotherapy combined with surgical treatment for patients with primay media-stinal B-cell lymphoma has been confirmed to be effective, and may be used in clinic.
Journal of Experimental Hematology
primay mediastinal B-cell lymphoma
radiotherapy and chemotherapy
radio-chemotherapy combined with surgical treatment