
深圳市饮用水中农药残留健康风险评价 被引量:12

Health risk assessment on pesticide residues in drinking water in Shenzhen
摘要 目的对深圳市饮用水中农药残留进行非致癌健康风险评价及年度趋势分析。方法收集、分析全市2011—2013年出厂水、末梢水和二次供水水质监测数据,借鉴美国国家环境保护局(USEPA)推荐的风险评价模型,对七氯、五氯酚、六六六、六氯苯、滴滴涕、马拉硫磷、草甘膦、乐果、灭草松、莠去津、百菌清和呋喃丹12种农药残留进行成人和儿童的健康风险评价。结果 12011—2013年共有84份出厂水、11份末梢水和1份二次供水样品检测了七氯等12个农药指标,所测样品指标最大值均未超过GB 5749—2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》规定的限值。22011—2013年出厂水中七氯等12种农药残留对成人和儿童的非致癌健康风险HIT均大于1(2.323-6.312),其中最主要的风险来自乐果残留,其非致癌健康风险HIi均大于1(1.995-5.094);而且有逐年上升趋势:成人HIT2011年(2323.18×10^-3)〈2012年(2340.18×10^-3)〈2013年(2431.97×10^-3);儿童HIT2011年(2965.07×10^-3)〈2012年(2986.77×10^-3)〈2013年(3103.93×10^-3)。儿童的健康风险高于成人。3末梢水的均值风险HIT末(2619.64×10^-3)大于出厂水的HIT出(2366.92×10^-3)。不论出厂水还是末梢水,乐果均是最主要的风险来源(HIi为2.003-3.991),其次是六氯苯和七氯。结论深圳市饮用水中农药残留健康风险已超过警戒值,最主要的风险来源是乐果,而且有逐年上升趋势,儿童的健康风险高于成人。 Objective To conduct a health risk assessment of pesticide residues and its annual trend analysis in drinking water in Shenzhen City. Methods The water quality monitoring data of product water,pipe water and secondary supply water during from 2011 to 2013 were collected and analyzed. The risk evaluation models recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency( USEPA) were employed to perform health risk assessments for children and adults on the 12 non-carcinogenic materials( namely,heptachlor, pentachlorophenol, hexachlorocyclohexane, hexachlorobenzene, DDT,malathion, glyphosate, dimethoate, bentazone, atrazine, chlorothalonil, furadan).Results The results of the analysis for water quality from 84 factory samples,11 peripheral samples and one secondary supply water sample showed that all of the measured indicators in the above mentioned water samples met the National Health Standards( GB5749—2006) published by Ministry of Health of the People' s Republic of China. The adults and children' s health indices( HIs) of the 12 non-carcinogenic materials were greater than 1( 2. 323- 6. 312). Dimethoate in factory and peripheral water samples posed the largest risks of harm among the non-carcinogenic pollutants measured. And its HIiwere also greater than 1( 1. 995- 5. 094) and followed by hexachlorobenzene and heptachlor. Annual rising trend on health risk of the 12 pesticide residues indicated that their HITon adults was 2323. 18 × 10^- 3in 2011,2340. 18 × 10^- 3in 2012 and 2431. 97 ×10^- 3in 2013,and on children 2965. 07 × 10^- 3in 2011,2986. 77 × 10^- 3in 2012 and3103. 93 × 10^- 3in 2013,respectively. This study also suggested that the average risk of peripheral water samples( HITwas equal to 2619. 64 × 10^- 3) was greater than that of factory samples( HITwas same as 2366. 92 × 10^- 3),and more children's health risk than adults' risk. Conclusion Health risks of pesticide residues in drinking water in Shenzhen have exceeded the threshold value and dimethoate was
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期264-269,共6页 Journal of Hygiene Research
关键词 饮用水 农药残留 健康风险评价 趋势分析 drinking water pesticide residues health risk assessment annual trend analysis
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