目的了解中国女性产后体重滞留的现况并探索其影响因素。方法采用整群抽样,分别选取北京、苏州、广州产后第0-1、1-2、2-4、4-8个月的女性共578名。通过身体测量记录身高、体重。通过问卷调查并结合医疗记录收集调查对象的一般人口学资料和孕前体重、分娩时体重及相关孕产信息。结果调查对象孕前BMI为(20.8±2.7),产后BMI为(23.4±3.2),体重滞留数随时间逐渐减小。但至产后第4-8个月,仍有78.4%的女性体重滞留,且有53.4%的女性体重滞留数超过5 kg。孕期增重与产后体重滞留相关(P=0.015)。体重滞留者中学历较高者比例较大(P=0.044)。结论中国产后女性存在较为严重的体重滞留问题,孕期过度增重与产后体重滞留关系密切,对围产期女性从怀孕伊始即进行全方位的指导有助于改善体重滞留的现状。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of postpartum weight retention( PPWR) in urban Chinese women,and to explore its associated factors. Methods Cluster sampling methods were used to select a total of 6 hospitals in Beijing,Guangzhou and Suzhou. A total of 578 women in the 0- 1 months,1- 2 months,2- 4 months and 4- 8 months postpartum participated in this study. Anthropometric indicators of height and weight were measured for each participant. Questionnaire was used to obtain the sociodemographic characteristics. Maternal information of pre-pregnancy weight and gestational weight gain were obtained by medical records. Results The pre-pregnancy BMI of participants was( 20. 8 ± 2. 7),while postpartum BMI was( 23. 4 ± 3. 2). PPWR decreased over time,however,53. 4% of women had PPWR over 5kg at the 4- 8 months postpartum. 32. 6% of women were overweight or obese at 4- 8 months postpartum.Women with PPWR 0kg at 4- 8months postpartum had a higher gestational weight gain(( 16. 5 ± 5. 5) kg) compared to those with PPWR≤0 kg(( 13. 0 ± 4. 7) kg). Women with higher education experience had a higher proportion of weight retention over 0 kg at 4- 8 month postpartum. Conclusion PPWR is a serious health and nutritional problem in Chinese women,where excess in gestational weight gain is associated with PPWR. To improve the health and lifestyle of perinatal women,a comprehensive health education and health intervention should be explored.
Journal of Hygiene Research
postpartum weight retention
gestational weight gain