
2005-2013年保山市乙型脑炎发病与气象影响因子的相关分析 被引量:1

Japanese encephalitis incidence and the related analysis of meteorological factors in BaoShan City, Yunnan Province.
摘要 目的通过对乙型脑炎发病与平均气温、降雨量、相对湿度和日照等气象因子进行相关分析,探讨乙型脑炎发病与气象影响因子之间的关系和关联程度。方法收集2005-2013年保山市乙型脑炎的发病数据及同期平均气温、降雨量、相对湿度和日照等气象资料,用SPSS11.5软件分析各气象因子与发病的关系和关联程度,并用电子表格作图和建立回归方程。结果保山市2005-2013年共报告流行性乙型脑炎297例,2006年发病最高,共62例,占总病例的20.88%;地区分布隆阳区发病最多,共发182例,占61.95%;月份分布8月最高,共113例,占总发病的38.05%。发病与气象因子的相关性,五县区进行分析,发病与降雨量、平均气温、相对湿度和日照等气象因子的相关性均无统计学意义,但仅就隆阳区和施甸县进行分析,发病与降雨量、平均气温、相对湿度和日照等气象因子的相关性又都有统计学意义。年份上,发病与相对湿度的相关性有统计学意义。月份分析,发病与各气象因子的相关性均有统计学意义。结论保山市的乙脑发病与平均气温、降雨量、相对湿度和日照等气象因子均有较大的关系,但不同县区、不同年份和月份发病与平均气温、降雨量、相对湿度和日照等气象因子的相关性又有不同。因此,分析乙脑的发病要综合、全面的考虑。 Objective By means of encephalitis b and average temperature, rainfall, relative humidity and rizhao meteorological factors such as correlation analysis, To discuss japanese encephalitis disease and the relationship between meteorological factors and correlation degree. Methods Collection of baoshan city from 2005 to 2013 in the onset of encephalitis b data and in the same period the average temperature, rainfall, relative humidity and sunshine and other meteorological data, With support SPSS11.5 software analysis of various meteorological factors and incidence of relationship and correlation degree, and spreadsheet mapping and the regression equation is established. Results A total of 297 cases of epidemic encephalitis b reported in Bao Shan City from 2005 to 2013, In 2006, the highest incidence, a total of62 cases, accounting for 20.88 % of total cases; The correlation of disease and meteorological factors,five countieswere analyzed, and the pathogenesis and precipitation, average temperature, relative humidity and rizhao meteorological factors such as the correlation of no statistical significance, but just long Yang district and analyzing its Shi Dian county, with rainfall, the average temperature, relative humidity and rizhao meteorological factors such as correlation and have statistical significance. Year, the correlation between onset and relative humidity have statistical significance.In analysis of pathogenesis and the correlation of various meteorological factors had statistical significance.Conclusions Je incidence of baoshan city with average temperature, rainfall, relative humidity and sunshine have significant, the relationship between meteorological factors such as different counties, different month and year and the average temperature, rainfall, relative humidity and rizhao meteorological factors such as the correlation is different.Therefore, the analysis of the incidence of je to comprehensive, integrated consideration.
出处 《河南预防医学杂志》 2015年第1期8-13,共6页 Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 流行性乙型脑炎 发病数 气象因子 分布 相关分析 Japanese encephalitis The onset of a few Meteorological factors distribution Correlation analysi
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