本文探讨聚合体形式的猪干扰素α真核表达质粒(p VAX1-PIFNα)对猪PRRSV弱毒疫苗免疫作用的增强作用。在猪免疫PRRSV弱毒疫苗的同时,注射p VAX1-PIFNα重组表达质粒与多聚赖氨酸(PLL)的聚合体(PLL-p VAX1-PIFNα),以研究聚合体状态的干扰素对PRRSV免疫的增强作用。将分泌表达干扰素α的重组真核表达质粒p VAX1-PIFNα与PLL聚合,同时免疫PRRSV弱毒疫苗和PLL-p VAX1-PIFNα聚合体,使用ELISA试剂盒检测PRRSV中和抗体;另外,分离培养猪外周血白细胞(PBMC)进行体外试验,分析PLL-p VAX1-PIFNα聚合体刺激淋巴细胞后IFN-γ的分泌情况。中和抗体的结果表明,PLL-p VAX1-PIFNα的使用可明显提高PRRSV活疫苗诱导产生PRRSV中和抗体的能力;细胞试验的结果表明,经PLL-p VAX1-PIFNα刺激后,明显提高了淋巴细胞分泌表达IFN-γ的水平。在PRRSV疫苗免疫中,聚合体状态的猪IFNα重组表达质粒可有效提高机体的体液免疫和细胞免疫水平,这一结果也为干扰素或其他重组蛋白在疫苗免疫中的应用提供了新的思路。
To evaluate the effect of PLL-pVAX1-PIFNct on PRRSV vaccine immunity, piglets were injected with both PRRSVattenuated vaccine and PLL-pVAX1-PIFNa in the neck. In this study, the plasmid of pVAXI-IFNct was polymerized with PLL first-ly, the polyme were then administered with PRRSV attenuated vaccine in the neck. The serum was collected at different time-posts in-jection, and the neutralization antibody of PRRSV was tested with ELISA kit. In the in vitro test, the peripheral blood was acquiredfrom each pig firstly, then the T lymphocytes were isolated and stimulated with PLL-pVAX1-PIFNot, the cell culture medium was col-lected at different time-posts inoculation, and the IFN-γ were tested with ELISA kit. In the result, the level of neutralization antibodyof PRRSV in the PLL-pVAX1-PIFNc injected group was significantly higher than the control. From the results of in vitro test, theIFN-γ polymer was unregulated.It concluded that The polymer, PLL-pVAX1-PIFNct, could effectively improve the humoral immuni-ty and cellular immunity.This resuh also pave a new way for the use of IFNc and other proteins in vaccine immunity.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine