目的分析2013年宁德市蕉城区居民死因构成和分布特征,为制订疾病控制规划、预防保健策略提供依据。方法采用ICD-10进行根本死因编码和分类,Excel 2003、SPSS 13.0软件统计分析,使用2013年蕉城区居民死因监测数据,计算死亡率、构成比和减寿年数分析当地人群死亡水平和死因模式。结果 2013年宁德市蕉城区居民死亡率为633.21/10万,标化率为387.05/10万,婴儿死亡率为8.44‰,5岁以下儿童死亡率为10.12‰;恶性肿瘤、脑血管病、心脏病等前10位死因占96.49%;慢性非传染性疾病死亡占87.64%;城乡居民前9位死因相同,但顺位不同;年龄别死亡率曲线呈"√"形,不同年龄组主要死因不同;减寿前5位死因依次为恶性肿瘤、损伤中毒、心脏病、围生期病和脑血管病,减寿率男性高于女性。结论慢性非传染性疾病是宁德市蕉城区居民死亡的主要原因,应针对性地采取措施进行有效干预。
Objective To understand the constituent and distribution of death causes in population in Jiaocheng district of Ningde,Fujian province,and provide evidence for disease prevention / control and health care. Methods The coding and classifying of underlying death causes w ere according to International classification of Diseases-10thedition( ICD-10) and statistical analysis on death surveillance data in Jiaocheng in 2013 w as conducted w ith Excel 2003 and SPSS13. 0. Results The mortality w as 633. 21 / lakh and the standardized mortality w as 387. 05 / lakh in population in Jiaocheng in 2013. The mortality in infants w as 8. 44‰,and the mortality in children under 5 years old w as 10. 12‰.The deaths caused by the first 10 leading diseases,including cancer,heart disease,cerebrovascular disease,accounted for 96. 49% of the total. The deaths caused by chronic and non-communicable disease accounted for 87. 64%. The first9 leading death causes in urban population and rural population w ere same,but the ranks w ere different. The age specific mortality curve w as "√"shape and the major death causes varied w ith age. The first 5 causes causing life loss w ere cancer,heart disease,poisoning / injury,perinatal disease and cerebrovascular disease. The life loss rate in males w as higher than in females. Conclusion Chronic and non-communicable disease is the major death cause in population in Jiaocheng,it is necessary to take targeted intervention measures.
Disease Surveillance
Death cause analysis
M ortality
Chronic and non-communicable disease