The United States strengthened financial consumer protection after the subprime crisis by setting up an independent federal agency that carries primary responsibility for regulating consumer protection,improving information disclosure to consumers,and establishing minimum underwriting standards for mortgages.Experiences of the U.S.show that when financial consumer protection regulator resides in the same agency as the prudential supervisor,measures should be taken to ensure the independence of consumer protection department in order to coordinate potential conflicts between prudential regulation and consumer protection.Moreover,effective coordination mechanism should be established between different consumer protection departments based on separate operation in different parts of financial sector so as to ensure consistent regulation and avoidance of regulatory duplication and regulatory gap.As far as the regulatory methods are concerned,in addition to rule-based regulation,principle-based regulation should also be adopted so as to cope with side effects of financial innovation on consumer protection and financial stability.Due to the important role of information disclosure in financial consumer protection,information disclosure should be made more effective by reasonably designing the content of information disclosure,simplifying the form of information disclosure and raising consumers' financial literacy by enhancing financial education.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies