
基于SWOT分析的贫困地区低碳扶贫模式探索 被引量:4

The Exploration of Low Carbon Mode of Antipoverty in Poor Area Based on SWOT Analysis
摘要 低碳经济在全球范围内广泛兴起,而贫困地区发展低碳经济面临着生存发展、技术落后的挑战,但这也为新时期贫困地区的扶贫攻坚提供了新的思路。此外,贫困地区也具备发展低碳经济的先天优势和外部发展机遇,可以基于低碳生态农业园、林业碳汇项目、低碳旅游等手段探索出一些有利于贫困农村脱贫致富的低碳发展新模式。 Nowadays, low carbon economy spreads in the global scope. On one hand, as the poverty region, the development of low carbon economy is facing the problems such as survival, development and backward technology challenges. On the other hand it also provides a new idea to development. In addition, poverty region also have congenital advantages and external opportunities for the development of low carbon economy. Poor rural areas can be based on low carbon eco-agriculture park, forest carbon sequestration projects, low carbon tourism means to explore some conducive ways to antipoverty.
作者 朱俊杰
出处 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2015年第2期96-100,共5页 Reformation & Strategy
基金 国家社会科学2011年基金项目"西部地区低碳经济发展模式与机制研究"(项目编号:11BJL061)
关键词 贫困地区 低碳经济 低碳扶贫 农村 poverty region low-carbon economy low-carbon poverty alleviation rural area
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