
工作搜寻行为研究—基于中国被试的实验检验 被引量:1

Job Search Behavior of Chinese Subjects:An Experimental Test
摘要 劳动者择业过程中的行为表现受到诸多因素的共同影响,包括劳动者个体自身的与工作有关的因素以及政策制度、择业成本等因素。在经典工作搜寻理论模型的基础上,主要考察了失业补贴、搜寻成本对于工作搜寻行为的影响。基于实验经济学的方法,研究了失业补贴、搜寻成本与搜寻个体期望工资水平、工作搜寻时间、搜寻实际收益之间的关系。数据结果显示:失业补贴、搜寻成本能够显著地提高搜寻个体的心理期望工资水平;对搜寻时间也产生了一定的影响,但不够显著;此外,失业补贴能够显著地增加搜寻的实际收益。在存在失业补贴的前提下,个体行为与理论预期保持一致;在需要支付搜寻成本的情况下,个体行为表现与理论结论截然相反。提高信息传递效率、降低搜寻成本将有利于就业率的提升和市场效率的提高。 Job search behavior is influenced by many factors,including factors such as personal feature,factors directly related to job itself,and some other factors such as state policy,search cost and so on.Based on the classical theory of job search,we try to study the effect of unemployment subsidy and search cost on job search behavior.Specifically,we try to answer the questions:whether unemployment subsidy and search cost affect individual's expected wage,search duration and search incomings by using laboratory experiments.The results show that unemployment subsidy and search cost significantly increase the expected wage.With unemployment subsidy,the individual behavior is consistent with theoretical expectation while in the need of search cost,individual behavior is completely contrary to the theoretical expectation.Probably the reason leads to this individual behavior is the searchers' need to get compensation incurred by search cost,which increases the expected wage level accordingly.Therefore,improving the efficiency of information dissemination,reducing search costs are beneficial to improve the employment rate and the market efficiency.
出处 《系统管理学报》 CSSCI 2014年第4期565-571,共7页 Journal of Systems & Management
关键词 工作搜寻 失业补贴 搜寻成本 行为实验 job search unemployment subsidy search cost behavioral experiment
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