为了满足CAD/CAM工程训练中零件快速设计的要求,现以花键轴为例,详细介绍了在UG5.0开发环境下,利用UG/OPEN API对花键轴参数化设计的二次开发过程。主要通过UG建立花键轴图形设计,设置基于表达式的参变量与参变量方程,注册环境变量,添加程序菜单,并通过UG/Menuscript设置花键轴各参变量的UIStyler对话框,利用VC++6.0编制程序框架,并调用UG/OPEN API函数更新模型,最终获得新生成的花键轴模型件,不仅提高了花键轴的设计效率,而且对不同类型的机械零件参数化设计的二次开发提供了参考与借鉴。
In order to satisfy the CAD/CAM engineering training requirements of rapid design of parts,take spline shaft as an example. In UG5.0 development environment, UG/OPEN API is used to finish the secondary development of spline shaft parametric design. Through the establishment of spline shaft part in UG graphics module, parameters are set up based on the expressions, and environment variables are registered. Through adding the application menu, parameter value could be put into the UIStyler dialog box, which is established by UG/Menuscript, and vc ++6.0 is used to call UG/OPEN API functions to update spline shaft models, finally achieving the second-development of spline shaft parameterized modules, as well as improving the efficiency of the spline shaft design, also providing the development for reference for multifarious types of mechanical parts parametric design.
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