介绍了国内外海洋平台用钢发展现状,总结出海洋平台用钢生产的主要特点,对传统海洋平台用钢的成分、工艺、组织、性能特征及其局限性进行了分析,提出了开发"Mn/C"合金化新型高强韧海洋平台用钢的发展思路,对海洋平台用钢今后的发展趋势加以展望。鉴于我国高级别海洋工程用钢与国外相比仍存在一定的差距,关键产品还依赖于进口,今后应重点研制屈服强度为690 MPa级的海洋平台用高强韧钢。
The latest progress on development and production of steels for offshore platform at home and abroad is introduced. The main characteristics of producing steels for offshore platform are summarized. The compositions, processes, microstructures and performance characteristics re-lating to conventional steels for offshore platform properties and their limitations are analyzed.Therefore the idea for developing new high strength and toughness steels for offshore platform by manganese alloying or carbon alloying is proposed and also the development tendency on steels for offshore platform in the future is forecast. Considering that there are still some gaps in producing high steel grades of steels for ocean engineering between China and foreign countries and as a re-sult some key steel products still rely on importing these steel grades. So for the future we should focus on developing the steel for offshore platform with high yield strength of 690 MPa.
Angang Technology
steel for offshore platform
manganese or carbon alloying
steel with high strength and toughness