
美国初中世界历史教材能力培养特点刍议——以霍尔特·麦克杜格尔出版社《世界历史》教材为例 被引量:2

Characteristics of Ameican Junior High School History Textbook on Developing Student`s Ability
摘要 霍尔特·麦克杜格尔出版社的初中世界历史教材是全美采用最广泛的初中社会科教材之一。本册教材整体结构按照行为能力和思维能力两条线来设计,具体内容按照一般学习能力、学科能力、跨学科能力来设计,强调学生时序思维、历史批判性思维能力、历史综合应用能力的培养。这些特点反应了美国历史教育中"使学生像历史学家一样思考"的主流观点,对我国历史教材的编写提供了一些有益的参考。 Holt Mc Dougal is the largest provider of world history textbook of American middle school. The structure designing of this textbook shows two ways to developing students ability: one is doing, another is thinking. The content designing presents the effort of developing three type of ability: general learning skill, disciplinary skill and cross disciplinary skill. At the same time this textbook focus on chronological reasoning, historical critical thinking and historical Interpretation and synthesis. These features show the main idea of history education: leading students thinking like a historian.
作者 刘翠航
出处 《外国中小学教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期53-61,共9页 Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad
关键词 美国 初中 世界历史教材 历史思维 历史批判性思维 America World History textbook
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  • 1The American Textbook Council Adopted History Textbooks[EB/OL], Widely http:// www. historytextbooks, org/worldhistory, pdf2012-11-28. 被引量:1
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  • 5Peter A. Facione, Critical Thinking: Whatit is and why it counts. Millbrae[M], CA: California Academic Press, 2004, pS. 被引量:1
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