从南海某油田开发方案研究出发,根据目标油田的油藏规模和储量,兼顾周边油田的区域开发需求,确定油田开发思路和钻完井机具、方式的选择方法。详细阐述油田生产处理、油气水输送、原油储存和外输的主工艺流程设计思想,系统论述油田开发主要工程设施的研究思路和方法。在经过初步工程方案筛选后,针对油田独立开发的关键设施———浮式储油生产装置(FPSO)或浮式储油装置(FSO),以改造升级旧 FPSO、旧油轮改造成 FSO 及新建 FPSO 等三个可行的开发方案为基础,确定相应的主工艺流程,从各方案技术优缺点、工期编排及工程投资估算等方面综合考虑,进行油田开发工程方案的最终选择。在此基础上,总结了南中国海油田独立开发方案的研究思路和方法,该方法对于远离陆地的油田开发方案研究具有借鉴意义。
The oil field development plan, and offshore drilling and completion scheme are described in this paper considering reservoir scale, reserves and developing needs of nearby oilfields. One oil field development project in the South China Sea is illustrated. The process design is presented too including oil production and process, transportation of well flow, oil storage and exportation, etc. By this way, the method to fix the oil field utilities is illustrated. After selecting preliminary oil field development plan including three schemes for upgrade of exiting FPSO, conversion of oil tanker to FSO and further building of FPSO, The technological advantage and disadvantage, schedule and project investment of these three schemes are compared to figure out the most appropriate scheme and the main process flow plan. Based on this work, summary is made about how to work out an independent oil field development plan in the South China Sea, which will be helpful for analysis of the development plan for the oil field far from land.
The Ocean Engineering