A short -term traffic flow prediction based on combined model is presented in this paper. In order to improve the prediction accuracy, the traffic flow data of the same days in different weeks are used. The combined model has two sub - models : BP neural network model and GM ( 1,1 ) model. BP neural network model has strong dynamic nonlinear mapping ability and has good processing ability to the huge and disorder traffic flow data informa- tion. GM ( 1, 1 ) model can reflect the overall trend of traffic flow time series and has small relative error. In this pa- per, by calculating the prediction error ratio of two sub - models in the previous time period, the prediction weights of the two sub - models in the next predict are obtained, and then the two individual forecast results are combined by u- sing the obtained weights to get the final forecasting of the traffic flow. The experimental results show that the pro- posed combined model takes the advantage of the BP neural network model and the GM ( 1, 1 ) model and produces more precise forecasting than those by two sub - models. It is an efficient method to the short - term traffic flow fore- casting.
Computer Simulation
Intelligent traffic system
Neural network model
Combined models