针对应急情况下高精度地图获取困难,以及Google Earth地图生成有数量限制且需要联网的问题,提出了基于Google Earth的地图离线生成方法。所提方法预先从Google Earth服务器中下载大量的图元,同时通过构建和维护一个大型图库,离线地生成任何区域和数量的高精度地图。最后,基于Visual C++的开发平台,实现该方法的原型系统。实验结果表明:所提方法能在短时间内离线地生成所需的高精度地图,对应急抢险任务的顺利实施起着重要作用。
Aiming to solve the difficult in achieving accurate map in emergency, and to solve the problem that the generated maps' number of Google Earth is limited and map generation needs Internet. An offline map generation method based on Google Earth was proposed to address these problems. First, this method previously downloaded a large numbers of tiles ( i. e. a cell of map). And then, it built and maintained a large-scale tile library to generate any number of precise maps for any area in off-line way. Finally, a prototype system of this method was realized based on the platform of Visual C + +. The experiment results show that this method can generate accurate map quickly and has significance in facilitating the imolementation of emergency mi.~ian ~110t^o~full,~
Journal of Chongqing University of Technology:Natural Science