为了解禽白血病病毒在广西鸡群中流行情况,采用DF-1细胞接种、细胞培养上清p27抗原检测、PCR扩增,对临床血管瘤型禽白血病的三黄鸡病料进行了病毒分离,并对分离病毒gp85基因进行测序和序列比较。结果表明,从1只病鸡同时分离到了一株A亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-A)与一株J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J),分别命名为HG01-A株和HG01-J株。ALV-A gp85与7株A亚群氨基酸同源性为85.8%-87.5%,与A亚群美国株MQNCSU同源性最高为87.5%,与A亚群原型株RSA同源性为86.9%。而ALV-J gp85与7株毒株核酸序列同源性为84.0%-93.8%,与广东株XX2-08以及四川株SCSM01同源性最高为93.8%,与英国原型株HPRS103同源性为90.2%。进化分析进一步表明,HG01-A与各参考株亲缘关系较远,HG01-J与SCSM01亲缘关系最近。本研究首次从同一只广西三黄鸡中同时分离到ALV-A及ALV-J,进一步完善了我国地方品种鸡群中禽白血病的流行病学信息。
In order to understand the avian leukosis virus epidemic situation in Guangxi chickens,two strains of avian leukosis virus subgroup A and J were isolated in Three-yellow chickens in the cultured DF-1 cells,which were identified by ALV p2 7 detection and PCR amplification and sequence analysis of avian leukosis virus gp85 gene,and then were named as HG01-A and HG01-J,respectively.The results of varia-tion analysis of gp85 gene indicated that the homology between HG01-A and 7 reference strains was 85.8%-87.5%,and shared the highest homology with MQNCSU at 87.5%,shared the homology with RSA at 86.9%.The results of variation analysis of gp85 gene indicated that the homology between HG01-J and 7 reference strains was 84.0%-93.8%,and shared the highest homology withXX2-08 and SCSM01 at 92.8%,shared the homology withHPRS1-3 at 90.2%.The present results indicated that it the first report that there was the co-infection of ALV-A and ALV-J in the Guangxi Three-yellow chickens,and provided new epidemiological information of avian leucosis virus in local chicken.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine