通过同源克隆和RACE方法获得了巴西橡胶树DNA甲基转移酶(DNA Methyltransferase,MET)基因(Hb MET)。Hb MET长4 896 bp,含有4 635 bp的阅读框架,编码1 545个氨基酸。蛋白分子量174.36 ku,等电点为6.36。氨基酸序列与可可、毛果杨、黄瓜、拟南芥、碧桃、葡萄和烟草等物种的MET家族成员的同源性分别为73%、77%、74%、56%、72%和68%。进化树分析表明,Hb MET氨基酸序列与毛果杨的MET亲缘关系最近。Hb MET在巴西橡胶树的根、树皮、叶、胶乳中均有表达,其中在胶乳中表达量最低;Hb MET在橡胶树自根幼态无性系的胶乳中表达比老态无性系胶乳中的表达低。
The full-length cDNA encoding methyltransferase (MET), designated HbMET, was isolated from rubber tree by using PCR and RACE techniques. HbMET was 4 896 bp in length and contained an open reading frame of 4 635 bp. Sequence analysis revealed that the ORF of HbMET encode 1 545 amino acid residues with a total predicted molecular mass of 174.36 ku. The deduced amino acid sequences of HbMET showed high identities of 73%, 77%, 74%, 56%, 72% and 68% to those of the MET from Theobroma cacao, Populus trichacarpa, Cucumis sativus, Arabidopsis thaliana, Prunus persica, Vitis vinifera and Nicotiana tabacum. Real time quantitative PCR analysis showed that the transcripts of the HbMET were differentially expressed in the root, bark, leaf and latex of rubber tree. HbMET transcript expressed at different levels with the lower in self-rooting juvenile clones than in their donor clones.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops