
芬兰学前教育师资培养模式探析及其启示 被引量:8

Statusand Inspiration of the Staff Training in Finnish Early Childhood Education
摘要 芬兰作为世界上学前教育的强国,其学前教育师资的培训模式值得我们学习借鉴。本研究在概述芬兰学前教育培养模式现状的基础上,提出五个值得我们学习的方面:学前教育大学申请入学门槛有待提高,大学应拥有自主选拔权利;课程内容应综合化,涵盖大量教育相关学科;课程组织以研究为基础,所有课程都融入研究学习;实习基地与高校结盟,在实践中培养反思能力;建立多层评价系统,全面保障培养质量。只有这样,才能提高学前教育师资培养质量。 As an early childhood education power, Finland, the staff training model of which is worth our learning from. This paper, which introduces the training model primarily, states the following five de- serving focusing aspects: universities own much autonomy, and set high entrance requirements; the inte- grated curriculum covers the many related disciplines; study of research is blended into all the courses; in order to train the reflection within practice, universities are allied with practice bases; and a multilevel e- valuation system is set up to assure the training quality comprehensively.
出处 《陕西学前师范学院学报》 2015年第1期83-88,96,共7页 Journal of Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University
关键词 芬兰 学前教育师资 培养 Finland staff of early Childhood education training
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