齐家文化时期的农业经济状况是学术界关心的问题.喇家遗址是一处具有中心聚落性质的齐家文化遗址,已有的研究认为喇家遗址齐家文化时期的经济形态是以粟为主的粟黍旱作农业,但在具体的认识上还存在一些不同看法,仍需系统的植物考古学研究进一步验证.对喇家遗址土样的植硅体分析结果显示,齐家文化时期种植的农作物为粟和黍,而且以黍为主,没有发现麦类遗存.以黍为主的种植结构可能与所在区4.5ka B.P.以来气候趋于干冷有关.植硅体和浮选结果在黍粟含量对比上存在差异,我们对这种差异的产生原因进行了探讨.这一结果为重新认识喇家遗址乃至齐家文化的农业生产状况提供了新的参考资料.
The agricultural pattern of Qijia Culture is of interest to scholars for long time. Previous studies suggested that the agriculture of Qijia Culture belonged to millet agriculture that was based majorly on foxtail millet (Setaria italica), however, it should be tested by systematic archaeobotanical research. The Lajia site (35°51'15"N, 102°49'40"E) in Minhe County, Qinghai Province, is located on a terrace on the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Northwestern China, and has been excavated since 1999. The site covers an area of 0.5 square kilometers and dates to 4300-3900cal.a B.P. The site is considered as a central settlement of the Qijia Culture, providing valuable materials for archaeobotanical study. A total of 87 samples were collected for phytolith analysis during excavation between 2004 to 2007. These samples were from 7 house foundations, 10 trash pits, 3 ash piles, 10 pillar holes and 7 occupation layers. Most sample proveniences were remains of Qijia Culture, but 10 pillar holes and an occupation layer (T1101⑤) were remains of Xindian Culture. We then extracted phytoliths from these samples by wet oxidation method, and phytolith counting and identification were performed using Leica DM750 optical microscope at 400 magnification. In most samples, more than 400 phytoliths were counted. 24 phytolith types were identified from all 87 samples, including η type from husks of common millet and type from husks of foxtail millet. Other common phytolith types in Lajia site were scutiform-bullifrom from reed, bulliform, square, short saddle, bilobate, pointed and rondel. The percentage of common millet was always higher (0-2% ) than that of foxtail millet (0-0.6% ). The relative percentage content of common millet phytoliths was 80%, which was much higher than that of foxtail millet (20%) during Qijia Culture period. Moreover, the ubiquity of common millet phytoliths was also higher ( 13.8% ) than that of foxtail millet (5.8%). Other crops phytoliths, such as phyt
Quaternary Sciences
Lajia site, Qijia Culture, common millet, foxtail millet, phytolith