利用20世纪80年代第二次全国土壤普查资料和2010—2012年耕地地力调查与质量评价项目数据,运用经典统计学、地统计学结合GIS技术,分析了渭北旱塬近30年来土壤养分变化;并通过对该区测土配方施肥项目农户施肥调查数据的分析,明确了该区农户施肥现状及主要种植体系养分平衡状况。结果表明,渭北旱塬当前土壤有机质、碱解氮和有效磷含量平均分别为12.9 g/kg、59.4 mg/kg和15.4 mg/kg,与20世纪80年代相比,分别提高了22.0%、37.9%和129.8%;速效钾基本保持不变。该区氮、磷肥过量投入现象严重,小麦、玉米和苹果的氮肥、磷肥投入过量农户分别占总调查农户的89%、69%、74%和75%、49%、52%;76%和67%的农户在小麦和玉米田间的钾肥投入不足,苹果钾肥投入过量和不足的农户比例均较高,分别为40%和48%。小麦、玉米和苹果三大主要种植体系土壤氮、磷均处于盈余状态,氮盈余量平均分别为116、111和655 kg/hm2,磷盈余量平均分别为88、56和357 kg/hm2,其实际盈余率均大大超出短期内允许的盈余范围。小麦和玉米种植体系钾素均为亏损状态,其亏损量平均分别为73和93 kg/hm2,在允许亏损范围内;而苹果种植体系钾素年盈余量高达283 kg/hm2,实际盈亏率较允许平衡盈亏率高出145个百分点。因此,为实现渭北旱塬粮食安全和环境安全的双重目的,今后该区域应适量减少氮、磷肥的投入,尤其是苹果园区;增加粮食作物的钾肥投入,以保证作物稳产、高产,保持地力。
Better understanding of soil fertility and nutrient balance in soil-crop systems is important for rational fertilization, refining agricultural management practices and improving utilization efficiency of water, soil and fertilizer resources. Traditional statistics, geostatistics combined with GIS technology were used to evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of soil organic matter (OM) , available nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP) and available potassium (AK) in Weibei rainfed highland from the 1980s to 2010-2012 based on the data from the second national soil survey and the cultivated land productivity investigation and quality evaluation project. Meanwhile, the current situation of fertilization and nutrient balance in main cropping systems was analyzed based on the information from household surveys of the national soil testing and fertilizer recommendation project during 2010 to 2012. The results indicated that the current average contents of OM, AN, AP and AK in soil were 12. 9 g/kg, 59.4 mg/kg, 15.4 mg/kg and 164.2 mg/kg, respectively. Compared with 1980s, the OM, AN and AP contents in soilhave been increased by 22.0% , 37.9% and 129.8% , respectively, and AK kept stable. Compared with the rational fertilizer application rates, the ratios of households using excessive nitrogen (N) inputs in wheat, maize and apple were 89% , 69% and 74% , and the ratios for phosphorus (P) were 75% , 49% and 52% , respectively. The ratios of households using insufficient potassium (K) inputs in wheat and maize were much higher, which were 76% and 67%, respectively. Meanwhile, the ratios of households using excessive and insufficient K inputs in apple were 40% and 48%, respectively. Significant surpluses of N and P in wheat, maize and apple cropping systems were observed, with an average of 116, 111 and 655 kg/hm^2 for N, 88, 56 and 357 kg/hmz for P, respectively. N and P practical surplus rates were much higher than their permissible surplus rates, indicating that N and P surpluses i
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
Weibei rainfed highland Soil nutrient Nutrient balance