
实证性与非实证性哲学观下的弦论辩护 被引量:3

The Justification of String Theory from Empirical and Non-empirical Perspective of Philosophy
摘要 弦论是当前理论物理学研究的焦点之一,由于长期未获得任何经验证据的证实,其科学性在学界历来是一个难以断定的疑难。弦论具有纯理论性、超经验性的一面,这使得科学哲学现有的实证类科学方法难以胜任评价其理论地位。戴维德将弦论内蕴的理论唯一性、理论间解释的融贯度以及与相似确证理论的关联度纳入到评估指标之内,从而揭示弦论在非实证性哲学路线上的可行性。事实上,只有将实证和非实证这两种哲学路线互补整合,才可为弦论这类纯理论性科学提供一种合理的辩护路径。 String theory is one of the focus of research in the field of contemporary theoretical physics. As the confirmation of empirical evidence re- mains entirely absent for a long time, whether string theory has the status of scientific theories becomes a difficult problem. Any existing scientific method of philosophy of science cannot assess string theory' s status rationally from the empirical perspective of philosophy, because string theory pos- sesses a pure theoretical and super-empirical body of knowledge. Dawid' s non-empirical theory assessment gives careful consideration to string theo- ry's theoretical uniqueness, the extent of explanatory coherence and the supportive relationship with the confirmation of other similar theories. Thus, it reveals the viability of string theory along the non-empirical route of philosophy. In fact, as a kind of pure theoretical science, string theory can only be justified by integrating these two perspectives of philosophy organically.
作者 赵君 沈健
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期92-96,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"弦论的哲学研究"(11BZX033)
关键词 弦论 实证性哲学观 非实证性理论评估 理论辩护 string theory empirical perspective of philosophy non-empirical theory assessment theoretical justification
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