设计一款无需布线、人机交互界面好、系统数据及信息显示直观的RFTR1无线火灾监测报警系统;系统以单片机STC12C5A60S2为核心控制器,利用LabVIEW开发环境设计上位机的监测界面,上位机通过串行口与单片机通信,从而实现对多路数据的采集与监测;文中重点介绍系统的实现过程,设计并解释系统的硬件连接,对系统作软件设计,解释了LabVIEW监测平台的应用;经测试火灾监测系统运行正常,无线通信距离较远(无障碍时达1 000m),系统具有对功能变化的适应性强、抗干扰能力强、安装调试简便等特点。
In this paper,a without wiring,good man-machine interface and system data and information display intuitive RFTR1 wireless fire monitoring and alarm system is designed.In this system,microcontroller STC12C5A60S2 act as center controller,designed to monitor interface of PC using LabVIEW development environment,PC communicate with the microcontroller via the serial port,in order to achieve multi-channel data acquisition and monitoring.The implementation of the system is discussed mainly,design and interpretation system hardware connection,software is designed for the system,the application of LabVIEW monitoring platform is explained.The fire monitoring and alarm system operating normally after testing,wireless communication longer distance (accessibility and up to 1 000 m),system with the adaptability of the functional changes,strong anti-interference ability,easy installation and commissioning etc.
Computer Measurement &Control