现有火灾报警主要采用有线方式,耗费材料且难以实现互联报警。采用无线方式能够很好地解决互联报警、降低成本。利用MSP430F227和CC2500搭载Simplici Ti实现节点互联,数据中心节点连接至PC机,PC机实时监控节点信息,在火灾到来时能够及时准确实现本地报警和远程报警。火灾节点功耗低,休眠时只有不到1μA电流。
Existing fire alarm system adopts cable way.It costs materials and is hard to implement interconnected alarm.Using wireless methods solve interconnected alarm and reduce costs.Using MSP430F227 CC250 running with Simplici Ti protocol realizes nodes interconnected.Make the access point connect to the PC,node information can be monitored on PC in real-time.It can realize local alarm and remote alarm in time and accurately while the fire occurred.The fire node is ultralow-power consumption and its standby current is less than 1 μA.
Microcomputer & Its Applications