
论国际航运垄断协议之竞争规制 被引量:4

Competition regulation of monopoly agreements in international shipping industry
摘要 近年以P3航运联盟为代表的航运垄断案件使中国航运业反垄断规制面临前所未有的挑战。航运垄断协议因其强化了航运经营者之间的联合,为它们从事协同性行为,例如联合提价、联合收取附加费、统一运输条件等提供了平台与空间,可能具有严重的反竞争效果而亟待竞争规制。然而各类航运协议在限制竞争效果、效率提升效应、消费者福利增加减损层面却又效果各异。基于此种差异,将传统以航运组织形态为主的研究转向专注于航运协议具体内容及其反竞争效果的微观化研究,对航运协议限制竞争效果与效率改进效果、消费者福利相权衡,试图以此为基础划定航运经营者滥用契约自由、启动海事海商法律制度中强行法介入来矫正市场的干预门槛与边界。 Monopoly-related cases occurred recently in the shipping industry, represented by the "P3 Shipping Alliance", have been unprecedentedly challenging our regulation regime. Shipping monopoly agreement can strengthen the cooperation among shipping enterprises, and therefore may provide platform or opportunity for concerted behaviors, such as joint price-fixing, joint collection of surcharges, and adopting uniform shipping conditions. This may lead to serious anti-competitive effects. The competition regulation is therefore called for in the shipping industry. Nevertheless, these monopoly agreements may vary in terms of their different anti-competitive effects, efficiency-enhancing effects, and consumer welfare influence. Based on such difference, rather than follows the traditional organization-focused wisdom, this article tries to re-examine shipping monopoly agreements using a content-focused microscopic-study approach. By weighing agreement' s anti-competitive effects against its efficiency-enhancing effects and consumer welfare influence, the author attempts to determine the boundaries for carriers' abuse of freedom of contract as well as establish the thresholds for market competition intervention.
作者 王秋雯
出处 《中国海商法研究》 CSSCI 2014年第4期109-117,共9页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
基金 上海市法学会2013年课题"我国航运市场竞争规则立法建构研究"(C-6901-13-015) 上海市教委科研创新项目"我国航运反垄断法律制度之立法建构"(14YS077) 上海市高校青年教师培养计划项目"我国航运反垄断法律制度之立法构建"(ZZHZ13020) 华东政法大学科研项目"我国航运反垄断法律制度立法建构研究"(12HZK002)
关键词 航运垄断协议 竞争规制 反垄断规制 反垄断豁免 shipping monopoly agreement competition regulation antimonopoly regulation antimonopoly exemption
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