
自然的数学化 关于科学革命编史纲领的探讨 被引量:11

The Mathematization of Nature: An Inquiry into a Historiographical Issue of the Scientific Revolution
摘要 文章在评论柯瓦雷、韦斯特佛和弗洛里斯·科恩等三位科学史家编史纲领的基础上,指出科学革命是一个有结构的动力学进程,该结构由数学化表征、本体论承诺和发现型实验三大主题交织而成。这三大主题之间的相互限制和相互促进,构成了科学革命的主线。自然的数学化只能从数学表征这个角度来理解,并且不能脱离其他两大主题而独立发展。数学化表征既依赖于我们关于物理实在的本体论承诺,同时又启迪着我们去修正原有的本体论承诺。 On the basis of a critical review of the historiographical viewpoints of three historians, namely Alexerder Koyre, Richard Westfall and Floris Cohen, the author argues that the scientific revolution is a dynamically structured process. The structure of the scientific revolution consists of three themes the mathematical representation, the ontological commitment, and the experiment for discovery. The dynamics comes from the interactive restriction and promotion among the three relatively independent themes. The mathematization of nature should be understood as the mathematical representation of nature and would reach an impasse when detached from the advancement of the other two themes. On the one hand, the mathematical representation depends on our ontological commitment of the physical reality; on the other hand, the mathematical representation inspires us to modify the accepted ontological commitment.
作者 郝刘祥
出处 《科学文化评论》 2014年第5期5-23,共19页 Science & Culture Review
基金 中国科学院规划与决策科技支持系统建设项目"科学文化的边界问题及其历史根源的研究"资助的系列研究成果之一
关键词 科学革命 编史学 数学化表征 本体论承诺 发现型实验 机械论 微粒论 超距作用力 the scientific revolution, historiography, mathematical representation, ontological commitment, experiment for discovery, mechanism, the corpuscular theory, action at distance
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