In the year 2014,facing the changeable market situation,China's logistics industry positively adapt to the"new normal" of economic development,make adjustment,accelerate the transformation and upgrade,the trend of environment governance is maintaining the sound situation,the overall operation is maintaining the trend of sustainable development,and the logistics industry is playing the fundamental and strategic role. But,the overall market environment is still very severe;enterprises' operation is still very difficult;there are more space for inter-industry cooperation;and the transformation,upgrade and health development of logistics industry is facing more challenges. In the year 2015,facing the new opportunities and challenges,the logistics industry should further pay attention to the new changes in customer demand,the new market of logistic service,the new pattern of organization and operation,the new logistic technology,the cultivation of logistic professionals, corporate social responsibility,and the development of industrial association;at the same time it should also pay attention to preventing and defusing market risk,technological risk,M&A risk,capital risk,legal risk and credit risk,dealing with the relation between growth and stabilization,promote the integration,optimization and the improvement of efficiency by reform and innovation,and orderly promote the overall industrial transformation and upgrade.
China Business and Market