
印度海军外交:战略、影响与启示 被引量:10

Indian Naval Diplomacy: Practice, Effects and Implications
摘要 近年来,印度积极推行海军外交,在舰船访问、联合演习、国际救灾与人道主义援助、警察行动四个主要领域均取得了极为突出的进展。印度海军外交具有突出的战略影响:首先是展现了印度实力,提升了印度形象,密切了与相关国家的关系;其次是配合并推动了印度"东向""西顾"的地缘战略布局,巩固了在印度洋及周边地区的影响力;最后是在地区安全机制构建中争取到主动,保障印度居于较有利地位。印度海军外交也具有针对中国的考虑。中国可借鉴印度开展海军外交的有益经验,更积极地在亚太和印度洋地区推行海军外交,在地区安全机制的建构中争取到主动权。 Naval diplomacy, including port visits, joint exercises, disaster relief / humanitarian assistance, and police actions, has increasingly become a major dynamic of India's naval capability development. This helps India showcase its naval power and befriend regional players. Serving New Delhi's Look-East and Look West thrust, the naval diplomacy contributes a lot to India's pursuit for a more advantageous regional security structure. There are some useful India's experience for China to promote its own naval diplomacy in engaging in Asia-Pacific and Indian Ocean security.
出处 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2015年第1期8-15,117,共8页 South Asian Studies Quarterly
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“印度海洋安全战略及其对华影响与对策研究”(14CGJ006)阶段性成果
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