为明确梨树腐烂病的病菌种类,对采自中国河北、山西和安徽3省症状疑似梨腐烂病的树皮与病枝进行病菌培养和分离纯化,根据病原菌的形态特征和致病性,结合rDNA-ITS序列分析,鉴定病原菌种类,并选用22种常用杀菌剂,通过离体抑菌试验,筛选出抑菌效果较好的药剂进行田间药效试验。结果表明:在分离纯化的6个菌株中有5个菌株形态特征相同,且与已报道的腐烂病病菌(Valsa mali var.pyri)形态特征相似;以这5个菌株菌丝接种梨树健康枝条后出现与田间相同的病症;病原菌rDNA-ITS克隆测序、BLASTn比对发现,这5个菌株为同一致病菌(登录号JQ618018),且与意大利梨腐烂病菌株(登录号DQ241769)、陕西梨腐烂病菌株(登录号GU174590)、新疆梨腐烂病菌株(登录号HM013819)的rDNAITS序列的同源性达到100%;另外1菌株与内生菌巴西拟隐盘孢菌Paraconiothyrium brasiliense的同源性达到99%;丙环唑等8种药剂对梨树腐烂病菌丝生长抑制力强,丁香菌酯等11种药剂对分生孢子抑制效果好,25%咪鲜胺乳油1 500倍液、20%丁香菌酯悬浮液165倍液与97%嘧菌酯原药15 000倍液对田间病斑治疗效果较好。根据试验结果,可以确定3省采样地区引起梨腐烂病的病原菌为Valsa mali var.pyri;咪鲜胺、嘧菌酯和丁香菌酯等3种杀菌剂可作为梨树腐烂病田间防治药剂。
To identify the pathogen of pear valsa canker,the diseased branches of pear tree were collected from the fields of Hebei,Shanxi and Anhui Province respectively in China.Patthogens were isolated from the skin of these branches and then were cultured on PDA medium and purified by single spore culture.Identification of the pathogenic fungus was carried out according to the characteristics of fungal morphology,pathogenicity and sequence analysis of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer(Rdn-ITS).Twenty two chemical fungicides were used to test their antibacterial effect on the mycelium growth and conidiophores germination in vitro and the control effect of the disease in the field by diseased spot cure.The results show that the five strains of purified pathogenic fungus from the six isolates were identical and the same to the reported pathogen Valsa mali var.pyri according to fungal morphologic characteristics.The symptoms induced by artificial inoculation with the five strains were the same as that found in the field.The five strains belonged to the same pathogen by analysis of rDNA-ITS sequence and had been submitted to the National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI)with the accession number JQ618018,which had 100% similarity to V.ceratosperma from pear tree in Italy(DQ241769),Valsa mali var.pyri from pear tree in Shanxi(GU174590)and V.ambiens from pear tree in Xinjiang(HM013819)in the database of NCBI.Furthermore,another isolated strain was homologous up to 99% with Paraconiothyrium brasiliense,a kind of plant endophyte by analysis of rDNA-ITS sequence.In the fungicide in vitro assay,there were eight fungicides efficient to suppress the mycelia growth,and eleven fungicides efficient to inhibit the conidium germination.The field tests revealed that the 25%emulsifiable concentrate of Prochloraz in dilution of 1 500 times,20%suspension concentrate of Coumoxystrobin in dilution of 165 times and 97% Azoxystrobin technical in dilution of 15 000 times were the most appropriate fungicides.Therefore,it was confi
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
valsa canker
chemical fungicide