
肾移植与肝移植术后抗HLA抗体产生的比较研究 被引量:1

The comparative study of PRA following kidney and liver transplantation
摘要 目的研究肾移植和肝移植术后患者抗HLA抗体产生几率。方法研究对象为首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院2007年10月至2009年12月的肾移植患者371例和2012年1月至2014年3月肝移植术后患者82例。采用美国莱姆德公司和GTI公司提供的酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法检测肾移植患者群体反应性抗体。结果 371例肾移植患者中,29例患者PRA阳性,占7.82%,342例患者PRA阴性,占92.18%。29例PRA阳性患者中7例抗HLA-I例抗体阳性患者,5例抗HLA-II例抗体阳性患者,17例抗HLA-I+II例抗体阳性患者。82例肝移植患者中,7例患者PRA阳性,占8.54%;75例患者PRA阴性,占91.46%。7例PRA阳性患者中1例抗HLA-I例抗体阳性患者,4例抗HLA-II例抗体阳性患者,2例例抗HLA-I+II例抗体阳性患者。肾移植术后与肝移植术后抗体产生率无统计学意义(χ2=0.576,P>0.05)。结论肾移植与肝移植术后抗HLA抗体产生几率无显著差异。 Objective To investigate the generation probability of panel reaction antibody(PRA)following kidney and liver transplanta-tion. Methods 371 kidney transplantation and 82 liver transplantation patients were available for PRA detection with ELISA kit.(GTI,USA). The kidney and liver transplantations were performed during Oct 2007 to Dec 2009 and Jan 2012 to Mar 2014 respectively. Results In the 371 kidney transplantation patients,29 showed PRA positive(7. 82% ,29 / 371),including 7 anti - HLA class I antibody,5 anti - HLA class II anti-body and 17 anti - HLA class I + II antibodies. In the 82 liver transplantation patients,7 showed PRA positive,(8. 54% ,7 / 82),including 1 an-ti - HLA class I antibody,4 anti - HLA class II antibody,and 2 anti - HLA class I + II antibodies. The incidence of PRA production between kid-ney and liver transplantation patients had no statistically significant difference(χ2 = 0. 576,P ﹥ 0. 05). Conclusion No statistically significant difference of PRA following kidney and liver transplantation.
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2015年第1期4-6,共3页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:81273271)
关键词 肝移植 肾移植 PRA Liver transplantation Kidney transplantation Panel reactive antibody
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