
中国西部劳动力市场的民族分层 被引量:11

Ethnic Stratification in Western China's Labor Markets
摘要 基于2010年西部社会经济变迁调查数据,研究发现:(1)少数民族因户籍、学历、就业部门等因素分化为若干个亚群,而且每个亚群在劳动力市场上的境遇并不一致;(2)少数民族和汉族在就业上存在一定程度的部门隔离,高达69.7%的少数民族从事农业,而汉族农业人口的比重仅为38.7%;(3)在收入上,少数民族总体上处于劣势,但将就业部分细分后发现,民族间的收入差距在国有部门(党政/事业/国有企业)内部微乎其微,而在私营部门却仍然显著;(4)在党政机关和事业单位进入上,少数民族略有优势,而在非农部门、国有企业进入上,汉族有较大的优势。研究结论认为,少数民族和汉族在劳动力市场上的分层主要由城乡差异、学历差别、部门隔离等因素所致,民族不平等(净差异)仅仅存在于私有部门,原因是优惠政策在政府管控的国有部门仍然发生作用,但在市场化程度较高的部门力有未逮。 Previous research on stratification in China has rarely paid attention to the circumstances of ethnic minorities in a rapidly changing society. In order to remedy such omission, this paper analyzes in- equality between I-Ian Chinese and ethnic minorities based on survey conducted in the west of China in 2010. The results show that the minorities are not a monolithic block but a differentiated group, however, a considerable part of minorities is still in similar socioeconomic status. The income attainment models have revealed the following findings:(1)The ethnic income gap can mainly be explained by education, urban-ru- ral geographic disparities, and sector segregation; (2)Han-minority earnings gap was negligible in govern- ment or institutions, but it increased with the marketization of the employment sector. Results also show that Han Chinese has more opportunities to get non-agricultural occupations than ethnic minorities, and ethnic minorities are more likely to work in government or institutions than Han Chinese.
作者 马忠才
出处 《社会学评论》 2015年第1期59-66,共8页 Sociological Review of China
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金项目"西北民族地区的社会分化与和谐发展研究"(08XMZ011) 国家民委民族问题研究项目"西部劳动力市场民族分层研究"(2014GM088)
关键词 民族分层 优惠政策 市场转型 ethnic stratification ethnic preferential policy market transformation
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