
不同地区酿酒葡萄果实中酚类物质含量及抗氧化能力的分析 被引量:7

Analysis of phenolics content and antioxidant activities of wine-grape berries in four different regions
摘要 以源于我国4个地区(宁夏玉泉营、山西乡宁、河北昌黎和沙城地区)赤霞珠和梅鹿辄葡萄果实为研究对象,通过光谱和液相色谱-质谱联用技术对其理化指标、酚类物质含量、抗氧化能力及花色苷单体酚含量进行测定和分析。研究结果表明:宁夏玉泉营地区赤霞珠和梅鹿辄果实中的总酚、总类黄酮、总黄烷醇和总花色苷均最高,抗氧化能力也最强,河北沙城次之,其他2个地区互有高低;在2个品种中分别检测出22和23种花色苷单体酚物质,其中包括5种基本花色苷和18种花色苷衍生物;生态条件对赤霞珠和梅鹿辄果实花色苷组成的影响主要表现在其衍生物上,对其含量的影响与品种特性有关。产区生态条件对葡萄果实中酚类物质含量及花色苷单体酚的组成造成不同程度的影响。 To undersland the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot berries, providing some theoretical evidence for wine-grape from four different region (Yuquanying of Ningxia, Xiangning of Shanxi, Changli and Shacheng of Hebei) , the physicoehemieal index, the phenolic content, antioxidant activities and individual anthocyanin concentration of two kinds of grapes were analyzed. The results showed that the contents of total phenolic, flavonoids, flavanols and anthoeyanins compounds and antioxidant capacity of Yuquanying grape were the highest, Shacheng of Hebei took the second place, the other two regions were varied; the total 22 and 23 individual anthocyanin compounds from Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot berries were identified, including 5 basic anthoeyanins and 18 individual anthocyanin deriativcs ; eflect of ecological condition on individual anthoeyanin compo- sition mainly reflected in anthocyanin deriatives, and the grape variety factor had significantly effect on concentration of individual anthocyanin compounds. So the ecological condition of territory could influence the phenolic content and anthocyanin composition.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期146-150,共5页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 渭南职业技术学院重点项目(No.WZYZ201301) 国家葡萄产业技术体系(CARS-30-zp-09)
关键词 葡萄 多酚物质 抗氧化能力 花色苷 生态条件 grape berries, phenolics, antioxidant activity, anthocyanin, ecological condition
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