
西方心理学对人生目标的研究述评 被引量:1

The Researches of Western Psychology on Purpose in Life
摘要 人生目标是一种相对稳定且深远的追求动机,是个体对自身生存意义的主观感受。20世纪50年代末,有关人生目标的心理学探讨开始受到西方学者的关注,哲学意义上的人生目标被带入到心理学研究领域。此后,西方心理学界对"人生目标"的概念进行了心理学上的建构与测量,并开展了一系列相关研究。这些研究表明,追寻有意义的人生目标是人类生存的基本动机,它同时影响着个体身心机能的健康发展与幸福感水平。 A Purpose in Life represents a particularly stable and far -reaching pursuit of some type of aim or goal .It is described a sub-jective experience that people have the means to live .In the late 1950s, the related psychological discussion on purpose in life was concerned by western scholars and it was introduced to the research field of psychology .After that, many psychologists are trying to de-fine the concept of Purpose in life and measure it accurately .Extensive psychological research suggests that pursuing a meaningful pur -pose represents the foundation of human motivation and having a purpose in life is associated with greater levels of happiness and plays an important role in individuals'physical and mental health .
作者 张师辉
出处 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2015年第2期131-136,共6页 Journal of Shangqiu Normal University
关键词 人生目标 幸福感 心理压力 身心健康 purpose in life subjective well-being psychological stress physical and mental health
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