
基于最小通视高度的改进通视性算法 被引量:4

An Improved Inter-Visibility Algorithm Based on Minimum Inter-Visibility Height
摘要 区域的通视问题是指已知视点、计算视点可视的地形表面区域集合的问题。目前常用的R2,R3,PRVA,PREAI,Xdraw等算法也都是针对该问题提出的,但是在实际应用中,特别是当观察目标为飞行器时,不仅需要知道区域地形表面的通视情况,还必须知道区域在任意高度层上的通视情况。针对此问题,在前人研究的基础上,改进出一种基于最小通视高度的通视性算法,在数字高程模型(DEM)的基础上,不仅能精确计算区域地形表面通视情况,对该区域上空任意高度的通视情况也能精确、快速地计算。最后,编程实现该算法,检验了该算法的可行性和精确性。 The issue of inter-visibility indicates to the problem of the set of terrain surface area observable to known viewpoints and computed viewpoints. The common methods are R2,R3,PRVA,PREAI and Xdraw.But in the real application,especially when the observed target is an aircraft,what should be known includes the inter-visibility situation of surface terrain and of space of any flight levels. This paper proposes an improved inter-visibility algorithm based on minimum inter-visibility height. Based on the Digital Elevation Model( DEM) ,this method could not only calculate precisely the inter-visibility situation of surface terrainbut also compute the inter-visibility of space of any flight levels precisely and quickly. Then the algorithm was implemented by programming,which identifies the feasibility and accuracy of the algorithm.
出处 《电光与控制》 北大核心 2015年第1期88-91,共4页 Electronics Optics & Control
关键词 通视分析 DEM 地形 区域通视 inter-visibility analysis DEM terrain area of inter-visibility
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