复杂地表条件给施工前的踏勘、施工设计、试验点选择、表层点位布设带来很大的难度,以往只依赖于纸质地形图的施工方法难以满足复杂的施工要求。复杂地表条件下合理的表层点位布设一直是困扰技术人员的难题,特别是二维施工,测网稀、施工范围广、穿过障碍物多,逐条测线踏勘浪费大量的人力物力,提高踏勘效率及提供合理的测线调整方案是地震采集人员急需解决的问题。Global Mapper软件结合数据库及其强大的功能,在复杂地表的施工中,能很好地解决以上技术难题,大大提高了施工效率。
Complex surface conditions make it difficult for preliminary survey,operation design,the selection of test points and the allocation of the surface points.The old method depending on the paper of topographical maps can not meet the requirements now.In these kinds of areas,reasonably selecting the surface point position has always been a technical problem.Issues like how to improve the preliminary survey efficiency and how to provide reasonable adjustment programs of survey lines are seismic acquisition personnel needed to solve.Combining database and its powerful features,Global Mapper software can resolve the above technical problems well for field operation in the complex surface conditions,so as to enhance the exploration efficiency.
Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting