研究原油高温热采工具O形橡胶密封圈在高温高压下的密封特性。借助于大型有限元分析软件ANSYS,建立O形橡胶密封圈及其边界的二维轴对称有限元模型,研究油压、装配间隙和摩擦因数对密封面最大接触应力、剪切应力和Von Mises应力的影响,并采用热应力耦合分析方法,分析温度对O形密封圈密封性能的影响。结果表明:摩擦因数对应力影响不大,而油压和装配间隙对应力影响很大,过大的装配间隙会造成O形橡胶密封圈最大接触应力下降和最大剪切应力上升,造成密封失效;当温度升高时,密封圈最大剪切应力和接触应力相应减小,而最大Von Mises应力明显减小,因此应使O形密封圈在适当的温度下工作,以确保密封的可靠性。
The sealing performance of rubber O-ring used for high-temperature thermal mining tool was studied at high temperature and high pressure. With the help of large-scare finite element analysis software ANSYS, the two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element models of rubber O-ring and its boundary were built. Some factors influencing maximal contact stress, shear stress and Von Mises stress of sealing face were analyzed, such as oil pressure, assembly gap and friction coefficient. The influence of temperature on the stress of O-ring was investigated by using thermal stress coupling analysis method. Results show that oil pressure and assembly gap have great effect on the stresses, however, friction coefficient has little effect on the stresses. With the increasing of temperature, the maximum shear stress and contact stress are decreased, and maximum Von Mises stress is decreased obviously. The appropriate working temperature should be guaranteed to promote the sealing reliability of high-temperature thermal mining tool.
Lubrication Engineering