稀有糖是指在自然界中存在但含量极少的一类单糖及糖醇、环醇、去氧糖、氨基糖、分支碳链糖等衍生物,在膳食、医疗、保健、等领域中有着重要的作用和巨大的市场潜力。综述了稀有单糖及相应糖醇的C-2差向异构化、C-3差向异构化、氧化还原、糖的递增/递降反应等合成途径。详细阐述了以D-塔格糖3-差向异构酶(DTE)为核心,结合醛糖还原酶、醛糖异构酶、多元醇脱氢酶(polyol dehydrogenase,PDH),进行所有同碳糖及相应糖醇之间的相互转化的Izumoring生物合成策略。在此基础上结合碳的递增反应(Kiliani氰化增碳法)、碳的递降反应(Wohl递降法、Ruff递降法)等生化合成方法,初步形成了丁糖、戊糖、己糖及相应糖醇之间的相关转化策略。阐述了稀有单糖及相应糖醇合成策略的研究意义,并对稀有糖合成的研究趋势进行了展望。
The synthesis of rare sugars and their derivatives synthesis Rare sugars were defined as monosaccharides and their derivatives such as sugar alcohol, cyclitol, desoxy sugar, amino sugar, and branched -chain sugar that rarely exist in nature. They played an important role in food, medicine, heahh, and has a huge market potential. C -2 epmierization, C - 3 epmierization, redox reaction, and degradation/increase reaction of monosaccharides and derivate sugar alcohol were reviewed. The Izumoring, which was elaborated in this article, is a strategy for the bioproduction of all monosaccharides sugars and their derivate sugar alcohols. The biocatalysts necessary for the strategy were D - tagatose 3 -epimerase, aldose isomerases, ketose isomerases, and polyol dehydrogenases. The mutual transformation strategies discussed in this article which including tetrose, pentose, hexose, and their derivate sugar alcohols, is based on Izumoring method, combined with increase reaction of aldose ( e. g. Kiliani Fischer synthesis) and degradation of aldose (e. g. Wohl degradation, Ruff degradation). In addition, this article addresses the significance of synthesis of rare sugars and derivative sugar alcohol, and proposes the future research trend of rare sugars.
China Food Additives