采用PCR-RFLP技术分析一年内不同深度橡胶林土壤真菌区系的变化。结果表明,随着时间和土壤深度的变化,真菌18S r DNA的PCR-RFLP图谱存在着一定的差异。相同时间不同取样深度的土壤样品酶切产生的强亮带略有差异,同时,随土壤深度的增加,橡胶土样酶切条带相似性整体增大,说明自然状态下橡胶林土壤的真菌多样性受到土壤垂直分布的影响,优势真菌种群随土壤深度的变化略有差异。而对于不同时间相同取样深度的橡胶林土壤,土壤样品酶切后产生的强亮带有所变化,但3种取样深度下的变化趋势基本相同,1-12月份橡胶土样酶切条带相似性各不相同,表明在自然状态下,橡胶林土壤中真菌多样性会随着时间变化而变化。一些优势真菌类群和非优势真菌类群在不同时间会存在交替,可能和物候有着直接的联系。PCR-RFLP技术能准确反映土壤微生物的动态变化,为进一步研究橡胶林土壤微生物群落结构和分类,生物多样性和生态系统功能的影响提供基础资料。
The changes of soil fungi in Hainan rubber plantation in different depths and different months were analyzed by PCR-RFLP techniques. The results showed that there were some differences in the PCR-RFLP patterns of fungal 18 S rDNA along with the changes of time and soil depth. The agarose gel electrophoresis of fungal 18 S rDNA digested by restriction endonuclease were different at the same time and in different depth soils,at the same time,the similarity of the PCR-RFLP patterns increased with the increasing of soil depth,which indicated that the fungal diversity in soil of rubber plantation was affected by the vertical distribution of soil,and the communities of dominant fungi in rubber plantation soil had some changes along with the change of soil depth. To the soil samples in different months and the same depth,the agarose gel electrophoresis of fungal 18 S rDNA digested by restriction endonuclease were also different,but the trend of the brightest band was the same. This meant that the fungal diversity in soil of rubber plantation was affected by difference months. The communities of dominant fungi in rubber plantation soil also had some changes along with the change of months,which may relate to climate. It also manifested that PCR-RFLP was suitable for detail dynamics of soil fungi community,which would provide the foundation information for studying the community structure,variety and environmental quality of rubber plantation.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences