社会主义市场经济发展引发了城市社会的一系列变革。“单位”功能逐步弱化 ,社会组织日益复杂 ,人口流动不断加剧等等 ,都对城市基层管理提出了挑战。为了回应这一挑战 ,2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,我国城市基层管理体制开始了由单位主导型向街居社区主导型的转变 ,其标志就是城市社区建设。从总体上说 ,当前的城市基层管理体制转型仍处于初始阶段 ,还存在着一些需认真研究并加以解决的问题。
The development of socialism market economy has led to a series of changing in cities. The grass-root management system in cities has confronted with a lot of challenge, the weakening of DANWEI 's function, the complexity of social organizations, and the frequentation of people's floating, etc. In order to solve these social problems, since 1990's, the grass-root management system in cities has changed from the model of DANWEI as dominant role to the model of community as dominant role. The important symbol of that is the movement of community development in modern China. All in all, the changing is still at the beginning, and there are many problems that should be solved.
Journal of China National School of Administration