Problem Based Learning(PBL) teaching method is one of the widely researched teaching methods. In this paper, three kinds of teaching models, the "PBL- seminar ", " PBL reading" and " PBL- NAI (Net- work - Aided Instruction ) " were set up or cited to implement in Cell Biology course teaching. Through the evalu- ation of teaching effect and students test results, we consider that the education effect of the " PBL - seminar" teaching model is the best one among the three. To better use the "PBL - seminar" teaching model, the teaching sections of more information should be chosen in the course by teachers, and abundant preparations should be done by students at the guide of the teachers. In addition, teachers should inspire students and answer the ques- tions timely in the process of PBL - seminar in the future teaching.
Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College