
状态变化事件与实现事件的概念界定 被引量:22

On Events of State Change and Events of Realization
摘要 基于Talmy(2000b)的宏事件(macro-event)概念,本文对两类易混淆的事件,即状态变化事件与实现事件,进行了概念界定。发现:深层语义上,两类事件均为运动事件隐喻扩展的类型;核心语义均包括时间和空间。两者关系如下:1)状态变化事件涵盖了实现事件,后者是前者的特殊形式,即认知状态与实体状态的变化;2)状态变化事件包括非施事和施事变化,实现事件仅限于后者;3)状态变化强调焦点实体的物理和条件变化,其动词多为始动动词,实现事件为认知和实体状态变化,其动词为完成动词和意动动词;4)英语用带体标记的动词或卫星语素来表达状态变化或实现意义。现代汉语借助动词之外的体标记"了"表达状态变化意义,借助更丰富的"了"、"着"、"到"等体标记表达实现意义。该研究对准确理解这两类事件和后续实证研究设计有一定启发。 Based on the notion of macro-event proposed by Talmy (2000b), the present study distinguishes the two easily con- fused sub-types of macro-events, namely, events of state change and events of realization. It is concluded that both "state change" and "realization" are metaphorical extensions of MOVE in which some surface constructions for change of state and realization are patterned like motion constructions and the core meaning of the two events are both concerned with time and space. Further, the relationship between the two events can be summarized as follows. First, state change entails realization, which could be taken as a sub-type of state change pertaining to ontological and epistemic states. Second, state change can ei- ther be agentive or non-agentive while realization can only be agentive. Third, state change verbs are usually inchoative verbs due to the focus of the physical and conditional change of the figural entity in state change while verbs in realization are filled verbs and conative verbs because realization emphasizes the change of ontological and epistemic states. FinaUy, both the meaning of state change and realization can be expressed by the verb with the aspectual marker and satellite in English while in Mandarin Chinese state change can be expressed with the help of the aspectual marker "le". In realization, more aspectual markers such as "le", "zhao", "dao" can contribute to the total meaning of realization. This distinction may shed some light on the understanding of macro-events and their follow-up empirical studies.
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期22-27,共6页 Foreign Language Education
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"现代汉语宏事件语义类型学实证研究"(项目编号:13BYY012) 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目"英汉运动事件语义学及类型学对比研究"(项目编号:09YJA740010) 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目"中国古典诗词英译的认知语义学视角"(项目编号:wym11103) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"现代汉语宏事件语义类型学实证研究"(项目编号:YWF-14-WYXY-001)的部分成果
关键词 宏事件 框架事件 状态变化事件 实现事件 macro-event framing event events of state change events of realization
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