
语文美育风格选择的积极效应与局限性——以20世纪80年代中语教材题材选择为中心 被引量:1

On the Positive Effect and Limitations in the Choice for Chinese Aesthetic Education Style——Focused on the Selection of Subject Matters for Chinese Teaching Materials at Middle Schools in the 1980s
摘要 受时代社会主体和主流文化投影进去的审美倾向的影响,中学语文教材题材内容集中表现爱国主义、英雄主义、集体主义的时代主调,其美学形态就是崇高—壮美,这在纪实性文体上表现尤为明显。中学纪实文学题材自身的祟高、壮美的审美属性,以及作家对先进思想意义的着意开掘,服从于伟大历史实践的要求,服从于现实性很强的审美教育目的。中学纪实文学的英雄肯定、壮美祟尚,预期着综合性的美感效应,也就是希望通过文学的艺术魅力,感染教育对象,激起审美反应,在特定的审美场中建立起一种审美关系,以达到潜移默化地陶冶和教育青少年学生的目的。中学语文纪实文学相对集中的主题、明显的审美倾向,反映了先进阶级的审美理想,也符合历史发展的要求。然而,中学纪实文学的题材有待拓宽,主题有待丰富和深化,风格有待多样化,艺术手段有待现代化,这些都是语文美学亟待解决的课题。 Influenced by the aesthetic orientation of the social subject and the mainstream culture of the era,the subject and content of Chinese textbooks at middle school are themed on the epochal tone of patriotism,heroism and collectivism,with its aesthetic form being loftiness and sublimation,as is well evident in the documentary style. The aesthetic attributes of loftiness and sublimation in themes of documentary writing for middle schools as well as writers’ purposeful development of the advanced ideological significance in those writing is subject to the demand of the great historical practice and to the extremely practical objective of aesthetic education. The affirmation of heroes and the veneration of sublimation in documentary writing at middle schools are in anticipation of the synthetic aesthetic perception,that is,by virtue of the artistic charm of literature,the educatees are much influenced while their aesthetic response incited and an aesthetic relationship can be set up in the specific aesthetic domain so as to imperceptibly cultivate and educate adolescent students. The relatively collective themes and the clear aesthetic inclination of documentary writing in textbooks of middle schools are not only reflective of the aesthetic ideal of the advanced class but also in conformity with the demand of historical development. However,efforts must be also made to broaden the subject matter of the documentary writing for Chinese textbooks of middle schools,to enrich and deepen their themes,to diversify their style and to modernize their methods of art,which are the pressing questions to be settled in aesthetic education of middle schools.
作者 姜岚
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第11期67-72,共6页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 中学语文 纪实文学 语文美育 风格选择 壮美—崇高 审美预期 片面性 middle school Chinese documentary writing aesthetic education in Chinese language style selection loftiness and sublimation aesthetic anticipation one-sidedness
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