团餐模式是餐饮行业的一种新兴模式,目前存在大量人工操作、信息化水平低等问题。本文应用ASP.NET MVC以及ADO.NET Entity Framework框架,构建团餐信息系统,系统架构灵活,具有良好的扩展性和可维护性。系统实现了基础信息数据管理、报价管理、物料需求及采购管理、库存管理等模块,集成了团餐企业的主要流程,已在天津一家团餐公司得到应用,有效提高了该公司信息化和规范化水平。
Group catering pattern is an emerging pattern in the catering industry .There are many issues in this industry pattern , including a large number of manual operations and low level of information .Through the application of ASP .NET MVC framework and ADO.NET Entity Framework, this paper built a group catering information system with flexible system architecture , good scalability and maintainability .The system has implemented the basic information and data management , bid management , mate-rial requirements and purchasing management , inventory management and integrated main processes of group caterings enterprise , and has been applied in a Tianjin group catering company , effectively improves the company ’ s information technology and stand-ardization level .
Computer and Modernization