为建立鸡肝脏蛋白质组学双向电泳方法,以SPF鸡肝脏样品为材料,对胶条长度、聚焦程序和DTT浓度进行了优化.结果表明:24 cm、pH3-10NL的IPG胶条比18 cm、pH3-11NL的IPG胶条的双向电泳图谱效果好,以水化液中20 mmol/L的DTT及聚焦的伏特小时为45 000时效果较佳,经软件分析后,可以检测到至少1 200个蛋白点.该双向电泳方法的建立,为开展鸡肝脏蛋白质组学方面的研究奠定了基础.
To establish the two dimensional electrophoresis(2-DE) technologies for demonstrating the protein profile of chicken liver,the key processes of the length of the strip,isoelectric focusing electrophoresis program and the concentration of DTT were optimized.The results showed that 24 cm IPG strip with pH3-10 had better than 18 cm IPG strip with pH3-11,volthous for isoelectric focusing electrophoresis program with 20 mmol/L DTT in hydration fluid were the better condition,and more than 1 200 protein spots were detected by PDQuest8.0.1 software.This established method would provide the foundation for protein profile analysis of chicken liver.
Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)