目的 总结呈大叶性肺炎改变的肺炎支原体性肺炎(MPP)的临床特征.方法 对28例儿童MPP的临床表现、诊断、治疗效果进行回顾性分析.结果 MPP最常见的临床特征是咳嗽伴有发热.胸部X线片:28例均有肺叶、节段性大叶状密度增高影、肺实质浸润性病变;其中1例合并单侧胸腔积液,1例合并右侧肺不张.确定患儿MP-IgM阳性后,均给予红霉素、阿奇霉素序贯治疗.26例患儿症状控制后出院,2例转院.16例患儿于出院2周后复查胸片,病灶均吸收.结论 临床上要注意MPP胸片改变的多样性,一般症状者可单纯应用大环内酯类药物,存在感染中毒症状者加用糖皮质激素治疗,效果较好。
Objective To summorize and analyze the clinical features of mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia(MMP) with lobar pneumonia manifestation.Methods The clinical data of 28 mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia children was analyzed retrospectively.Results The most common clinical feature of MPP children were cough with fever.The X-ray manifestation showed all the case had segmental lobe cloudy dense area and infiltrative lesions,one case among them combined with unilateral pleural effusion and another case combined with right atelectasis.After the antibody of mycoplasma (MP-IgM) were diagnosed as positive,all the subjects were give sequential therapy of erythromycin and azithromycin.Twenty-six cases were discharged after the symptoms were controlled,and another 2 cases were transferred to other hospitals.Sixteen cases reexamined X-ray after discharged for two weeks,focal absorbed.Conclusions The clinical X-ray manifestation of MPP was various; patients with normal symptoms can singly apply macrolide,glucocorticoid should be added if combined with infective intoxication symptoms.
Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine
Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia
Lobar pneumonia