

On Rousseau's Theory of the Self and Its Significance for the Construction of Human Civilization
摘要 卢梭的自我理论,不仅是西方文明史上独一无二的典范,也是世界文明史上的创举。卢梭的自我研究开创了一种通过反观自身,由认识自我而认识人类的研究路线;通过一种内省式的对自我情感和欲望的剖析,开创了一种心理学的研究路向。卢梭借助这种自我理论,目的是为了研究人,以及探究现代文明对人类生存状况的影响。他借助自我研究倡导关于美德和幸福的启蒙,通过回归到人最本真的自我,来揭示现代社会的堕落,并探究如何在符合人的自然性的基础上实现幸福有德的生活。 Rousseau’s theory of the self is uniquely seminal in the history of western civilization. In Rousseau’s study of the self, he suggests we obtain the knowledge of man by means of returning to and reflecting on the self, that is, through psychological introspection of one ’s own sentiments and desires. Rousseau ’s theory of the self aims at revealing how human nature has been corrupted in the modern society, and as a philosopher of the Enlightenment, he attempts to answer the question: how do we live a virtuous and happy life in compliance with the true nature of man.
作者 林泉
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期22-28,共7页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
关键词 卢梭 自我 现代社会 人类文明 Rousseau the Self Modern society Human Civilization
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