目的探讨灰阶超声和彩色多普勒超声在异位甲状腺诊断中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析北京协和医院1997年9月至2014年5月收治的13例异位甲状腺患者的临床资料及超声图像资料,对照核医学检查、手术及病理结果,分析其超声图像特征。结果 13例中9例行异位甲状腺切除,病理结果示单纯异位甲状腺3例(23.1%),异位甲状腺乳头状癌1例(7.7%),异位甲状腺合并甲亢治疗后改变1例(7.7%),合并结节性甲状腺肿2例(15.4%),合并结节性甲状腺肿伴淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎1例(7.7%),合并结节性甲状腺肿伴纤维化、钙化及腺瘤样增生1例(7.7%)。超声声像图显示13例(100%)异位甲状腺均边界清晰;12例(92.3%)为形态规则的圆形、类圆形或椭圆形,1例(7.7%)形态欠规则;6例(46.2%)呈混合回声,3例(23.1%)呈中等回声,4例(30.8%)呈低回声;6例(46.2%)为囊实性,7例(53.8%)为实性。彩色多普勒显示10例(76.9%)内部可见较丰富血流信号,2例(15.4%)内部可见条状血流信号,1例(7.7%)内部可见点状血流信号。结论异位甲状腺具有典型的超声成像特征,可为临床决策提供有价值的诊断信息。
Objective To investigate the diagnostic values of gray-scale ultrasound and color Doppler flow imaging for ectopic thyroid .Methods We reviewed the sonographic and clinical records of 13 patients with ectopic thyroid who were treated in Peking Union Medical College Hospital between September 1997 and May 2014, and analyzed the sonographic characteristics of the ectopic thyroid in comparison with nuclear medical, surgical, and pathological results.Results Nine of the 13 cases underwent ectopic thyroid excision , among which 3 ( 23.1%) were simple ectopic thyroids , 1 ( 7.7%) was ectopic thyroid with papillary thyroid carcinoma , 1 ( 7.7%) complicated with post-therapy changes due to radioiodine treatment for hyperthyroidism , 2 ( 15.4%) with nodular goiter , 1 ( 7.7%) with both nodular goiter and lymphocytic thyroiditis , and 1 (7.7%) with nodular goiter accompanied by fibrillation, calcification and adenomatoid hyperplasia.In the ultrasonograms, all the 13 cases (100%) of ectopic thyroid displayed sharp borders, 12 cases (92.3%) manifested as regular round or oval shape, and 1 ( 7.7%) as irregular shape; 6 cases ( 46.2%) were mixed echoic, 3 (23.1%) were isoechoic, and 4 (30.8%) were hypoechoic; 6 cases (46.2%) were cystosolid masses, and 7 (53.8%) were solid.Color Doppler ultrasound showed rich blood flow in 10 cases ( 76.9%) , strip-like blood flow in 2 ( 15.4%) , and spot-like blood flow in 1 ( 7.7%) .Conclusion Typical ultrasound manifestations of ectopic thyroid can provide valuable diagnostic information for making appropriate clinical decisions.
Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital
ectopic thyroid