
血清总胆固醇水平对大豆蛋白降血脂作用的影响 被引量:5

The effect of total cholesterol on the ability of lowing blood lipid of soybean protein
摘要 目的探讨血清总胆固醇水平对大豆蛋白降血脂作用的影响。方法招募单纯高脂血症志愿者90人[平均年龄(51.65±10.78)岁],随机分为大豆分离蛋白组(n=45)和酪蛋白组(n=45),在不改变饮食及运动习惯的基础上,酪蛋白组每人每天补充24g酪蛋白,大豆分离蛋白组每人每天补充18g大豆分离蛋白+6g酪蛋白混合物,共8周。试验前和试验结束时,测量身高、体质量、计算体质指数,测定血清脂质水平。以研究对象干预前血清总胆固醇TC水平的中位数6.73mmol/L作为分界点,分析干预前血清总胆固醇(TC)水平低于或高于6.73mmol/L的高脂血症者血清脂质的变化情况。结果大豆分离蛋白组和酪蛋白组血清TC<6.73mmol/L的研究对象干预前后血脂水平变化差异无统计学意义。大豆分离蛋白组血清TC≥6.73mmol/L的研究对象血清TC、LDL-C、ApoB水平分别比干预前降低7.3%、11.7%和6.4%(P<0.05),TC∶HDL-C,LDL-C∶HDL-C,ApoB∶ApoA1比值分别比干预前降低6.6%、9.5%和11.6%(P<0.05)。大豆分离蛋白组和酪蛋白组之间血脂水平差异无统计学意义。结论高脂血症者血清总胆固醇水平可影响大豆蛋白的降血脂作用,大豆蛋白对血清胆固醇水平较高的人效果较好。 Objective To observe the effect of total serum cholesterol level on the ability of lowering blood lipid by soybean protein. Methods Ninety volunteers with simple hyperlipidemia were enrolled into the study with average age of 51.65±10.78 years old.They were randomly divided into two groups and were supplemented with either 24 g casein or 18 g soybean protein plus 6g casein per day for 8weeks without changing their diet.The height,weight,and serum lipid level were measured before and after the study.The median of total serum cholesterol 6.73mmol/L prior to the intervention was used as the cutoff value to analyze the changes of serum lipid level. Results There was no significant change in serum lipid level before and after the intervention among participants with serum TC level lower than 6.73mmol/L in both groups.Serum levels of TC,LDL-C and ApoB significantly reduced by 7.3%,11.7%and 8.4%after the intervention with soybean protein among subjects with TC level higher than 6.73mmol/L,meanwhile,the ratios of TC∶LDL,LDL∶HDL and ApoB∶ApoA1also significantly reduced by 6.6%,9.5%and 11.6%(P〈0.05). Conclusions Total serum cholesterol level may influence the ability of lipid-lowering effect of soybean protein.
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第6期597-600,共4页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
关键词 血清总胆固醇水平 大豆蛋白 血脂 Total cholesterol level Soy protein Serum lipid
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