定价机制是影响云计算用户利益和云服务提供商收益的关键因素。本文以IaaS云服务定价机制为研究对象,首先将IaaS云服务定价机制分为固定定价和动态定价2大类,其中固定定价细分为即用即付费和预订定价2种,从理论上分析2类定价机制对IaaS云服务提供商收益的影响;然后,分别建立即用即付费和预订定价机制下IaaS云服务提供商的收益模型,并用启发式算法构建动态定价机制下IaaS云服务提供商的收益模型;最后,基于Repast Simphony建立多主体仿真模型,比较分析3种不同定价机制下IaaS云服务提供商的收益。研究结果表明,随着服务时长和顾客数量的增加,动态定价机制更能为IaaS云服务提供商带来更多收益,同时IaaS云服务提供商可以通过改变服务等级和资源价格等相关参数,改变顾客行为,使顾客数量增加,从而提高收益。
Pricing mechanism is a key factor influencing the interests of cloud users and profits of cloud service providers. Three different pricing mechanisms of IaaS cloud service are compared in terms of service provider’s benefits. Firstly, IaaS cloud serv-ice pricing mechanism is divided into two major categories: fixed pricing including pay-per-use pricing and subscription pricing and dynamic pricing, and theoretically analyzes IaaS service provider’s benefits within fix pricing and dynamic pricing. Second-ly, the revenue models of pay-per-use and subscription pricing are built, and a heuristic algorithm is brought forward to construct the revenue model of dynamic pricing mechanism. Thirdly, the revenue model of the three pricing mechanism is implemented in Repast Simphony environment. The results show that as the length of service and the number of customers increased, dynamic pricing mechanism can create more revenue for IaaS cloud service provider, meanwhile the IaaS cloud service provider can change parameters such as service level and resource prices to influence customer behavior, so that the number of customer increased, thereby the revenue increased.
Computer and Modernization