目的:比较tomosynthesis-shimadzumetalartefactreductiontechnology(T-SMART)断层融合成像( tomosynthesis,TOMOS )、计算机 X 线断层扫描( computed tomography,CT )与数字化 X 线摄影( digital radiography,DR)显示髋关节假体及其周围结构的能力。方法连续选取进行单侧或双侧髋关节置换术( total hip arthroplasty,THA ),且已行术后 DR、CT 及 TOMOS 三项影像学复查的患者20例,男12例,女8例,年龄36~82岁,平均年龄61.0岁。调阅并分析这20个病例的TOMOS、CT及DR影像资料,由3名高年资主治医师读片,并进行主观评分,评分标准为:假体周围结构观察清晰,图像评为“优”,记2分;因轻微伪影或受限于图像分辨率等原因,图像清晰度受影响,但基本不影响观察,评为“中”,记1分;因金属伪影大等因素,图像清晰度差,严重影响观察,评为“差”,记0分。评分结果以广义估计方程进行统计学分析。结果应用TOMOS观察髋臼(含髋关节间隙)的图像质量频率分布为:2分55%,1分40%,0分5%,观察股骨上段假体周围组织的图像质量频率分布为:2分75%,1分25%,0分5%;应用CT观察髋臼(含髋关节间隙)的图像质量频率分布为:2分5%,1分60%,0分35%,观察股骨上段假体周围组织的图像质量频率分布为:2分5%,1分55%,0分40%,TOMOS的评分高于CT,差异有统计学意义( P<0.001),应用DR检查观察髋臼(含髋关节间隙)的图像质量频率分布为:2分25%,1分75%,0分0%;观察股骨上段假体周围组织的图像质量频率分布为:2分50%,1分50%,0分0%,DR的评分高于CT,差异有统计学意义(P=0~0.0077)。结论髋关节假体TOMOS成像质量比CT图像好,又克服了DR不能分层薄层观察的缺点,在髋关节假体复查中有应用价值。
Objective To compare the capacity of tomosynthesis ( TOMOS ), computed tomography ( CT ) and digital radiography ( DR ) in imaging hip prostheses and their surrounding structures.Methods A total of 20 consecutive patients receiving either unilateral or bilateral total hip arthroplasty ( THA ) were enrolled, including 12 males and 8 females. Their mean age was 61.0 years old ( range: 36-82 years ). All the patients underwent TOMOS, CT and DR after THA. The TOMOS, CT and DR images of the 20 patients were reviewed and subjectively scored by 3 senior attending radiologists. The evaluation standard was stated as following. The clear image of the structures around the prostheses was rated as “excellent”, with the score of 2 points. The sharpness of the image was affected by minor artifacts or lower resolution, but the basic observation wasn’t affected. Such images were rated as “mid”, with the score of 1 point. If the image deifnition was seriously affected by metal artifacts or other factors, it was rated as “poor”, with the score of 0 point. The scores calculated would be statistically analysed via Generalized Estimating Equations.Results The score frequency distribution of TOMOS imaging for the acetabulum ( including the hip joint space ) was 55% ( 2 points ), 40% ( 1 point ), and 5% ( 0 point ). The score frequency distribution of TOMOS imaging for the proximal femoral peri-prothesis region was 75% ( 2 points ), 25% ( 1 point ), and 0% ( 0 point ). The score frequency distribution of CT imaging for the acetabulum ( including the hip joint space ) is 5% ( 2 points ), 60%( 1 point ), and 35% ( 0 point ). The score frequency distribution of CT imaging for the proximal femoral peri-prothesis region was 5% ( 2 points ), 55% ( 1 point ), and 40% ( 0 point ). TOMOS was superior to CT in image quality, and the differences in the scores were statistically signigicant (P<0.001 ). The score frequency distribution of DR imaging
Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint