
幼儿动画观看中的注意偏好与神经机制 被引量:2

Young children's attention during cartoon watching and neural mechanisms
摘要 幼儿的动画观看行为具有普遍性,这种看似简单的活动却涉及非常复杂的认知加工。本文采用任务分析及文献综述的方法,揭示了幼儿动画观看行为发展中的注意偏好及其认知神经机制。不同年龄的幼儿观看动画视频的注意偏好存在显著差异,这种差异也与儿童的脑神经发育水平相关。视频观看会对儿童认知及行为发展带来显著影响,其中既包含积极的认知促进,也包括不良社会行为的习得等负面效应。相对于成人而言,儿童对动画片的喜爱有其特定的神经基础。最后,幼儿动画观看行为的发展对动画创作及教育实践具有启示意义。 Cartoon viewing among very young children is very prevalent all over the world. Cartoon viewing is usually seen as a pleasurable and effortless activity, however, it is a surprisingly cognitive demanding task for very young children. Based on a task analysis of television viewing and review of research, this study explored the development of young children's visual attention and cognitive neural mechanisms during cartoon viewing. The result reveled that there is a signifi- cant difference between younger and older children's visual attention to cartoon video. And this difference is related to the development of young children's brain. Also, cartoon watching have a significant effect on young children's social behavior, both for good and ill. Compared with adults, children have a rather unique neural activities. Finally, the implications on young children's education and the production of commercial video were discussed
作者 夏琼
出处 《美育学刊》 2014年第6期38-47,共10页 Journal of Aesthetic Education
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目(14YJA890021)成果 浙江省教育厅人文社科项目(Y201431930)成果
关键词 动画视频 视觉注意 神经机制 young children cartoon visual attention neural mechanism
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